Results for 'Stacy Fussell Thorne'

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    Beyond theming: Making qualitative studies matter.Sally Thorne - 2020 - Nursing Inquiry 27 (1):e12343.
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    Making disability public in deliberative democracy.Stacy Clifford - 2012 - Contemporary Political Theory 11 (2):211-228.
    Deliberative democracy harbors a recurrent tension between full inclusion and intelligible speech. People with profound cognitive disabilities often signify this tension. While liberal deliberative theorists sacrifice inclusion for intelligibility, this exclusion is unnecessary. Instead, by analyzing deliberative locations that already include people with disabilities, I offer two ways to revise deliberative norms. First, the physical presence of disabled bodies expands the value of publicity in deliberative democracy, demonstrating that the publicity of bodies provokes new conversations similar to rational speech acts. (...)
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    A definition and ethical evaluation of overdiagnosis.Stacy M. Carter, Chris Degeling, Jenny Doust & Alexandra Barratt - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (11):705-714.
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  4. The Real Foundation of Fictional Worlds.Stacie Friend - 2017 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 95 (1):29-42.
    I argue that judgments of what is ‘true in a fiction’ presuppose the Reality Assumption: the assumption that everything that is true is fictionally the case, unless excluded by the work. By contrast with the more familiar Reality Principle, the Reality Assumption is not a rule for inferring implied content from what is explicit. Instead, it provides an array of real-world truths that can be used in such inferences. I claim that the Reality Assumption is essential to our ability to (...)
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    Bodily Natures: Science, Environment, and the Material Self.Stacy Alaimo (ed.) - 2010 - Indiana University Press.
    How do we understand the agency and significance of material forces and their interface with human bodies? What does it mean to be human in these times, with bodies that are inextricably interconnected with our physical world? Bodily Natures considers these questions by grappling with powerful and pervasive material forces and their increasingly harmful effects on the human body. Drawing on feminist theory, environmental studies, and the sciences, Stacy Alaimo focuses on trans-corporeality, or movement across bodies and nature, which (...)
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    A Chattahoochee Album: Images of Traditional People and Folsky Places Around the Lower Chattahoochee River Valley.Fred Fussell - 2000 - University Alabama Press.
    From the blending of diverse peoples, a singular culture has developed in the lower Chattahoochee River Valley that persists to the present day-diverse, robust, and tradition proud. Published by the Historic Chattahoochee Commission, A Chattahoochee Album is Fred Fussell's personal tribute to the region, lovingly compiled to honor the folklife and traditions of an enduring place and its people.
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  7. Fictional characters.Stacie Friend - 2007 - Philosophy Compass 2 (2):141–156.
    If there are no fictional characters, how do we explain thought and discourse apparently about them? If there are, what are they like? A growing number of philosophers claim that fictional characters are abstract objects akin to novels or plots. They argue that postulating characters provides the most straightforward explanation of our literary practices as well as a uniform account of discourse and thought about fiction. Anti-realists counter that postulation is neither necessary nor straightforward, and that the invocation of pretense (...)
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    Beware Dichotomies and Grand Abstractions: Attending to Particularity and Practice in Empirical Bioethics.Stacy M. Carter - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (6-7):76-77.
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    Methodological challenges in deliberative empirical ethics.Stacy M. Carter - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (6):382-383.
    The empirical turn in bioethics and the deliberative turn in democracy theory occurred at around the same time, one at the intersection of bioethics and social science,1 2 the other at the intersection of political philosophy and political science.3–5 Empirical bioethics and deliberative democratic approaches both engage with immediate problems in policy and practice with normative intent, so it was perhaps inevitable that they would eventually find one another,6–8 and that deliberative research would become more common in bioethics.9 This commentary (...)
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    Material Feminisms.Stacy Alaimo & Susan J. Hekman (eds.) - 2008 - Indiana University Press.
    By insisting on the importance of materiality, this volume breaks new ground in philosophy, feminist theory, cultural studies, science studies, and other fields where the body and nature collide.
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  11. Book Review: Teaching with Tenderness: Toward an Embodied Practice.Naomi Simmons-Thorne - 2021 - Teaching Sociology 49 (2):188-191.
  12. Notions of nothing.Stacie Friend - 2016 - In Friend Stacie (ed.).
    Book synopsis: New work on a hot topic by an outstanding team of authors At the intersection of several central areas of philosophy It is the linguistic job of singular terms to pick out the objects that we think or talk about. But what about singular terms that seem to fail to designate anything, because the objects they refer to don't exist? We can employ these terms in meaningful thought and talk, which suggests that they are succeeding in fulfilling their (...)
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    Induction With and Without Natural Properties: a New Approach to the New Riddle of Induction.Paul D. Thorn & Gerhard Schurz - 2024 - Philosophia 52 (4):935-958.
    Drawing on past work, we introduce a new approach to the New Riddle of Induction, showing that the inductive projection of gruesome properties is unreliable under particular ideal conditions that are sufficient for the reliable inductive projection of non-gruesome properties. As an auxiliary to our account, we introduce rules for resolving conflicts between background information and the conclusions of otherwise reliable inductive inferences. Our approach to the New Riddle of Induction is quite permissive in the range of properties it recognizes (...)
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  14. On notion definite.Jp Thorne - 1974 - Foundations of Language 11 (1):111-114.
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  15. Fiction as a Genre.Stacie Friend - 2012 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 112 (2pt2):179--209.
    Standard theories define fiction in terms of an invited response of imagining or make-believe. I argue that these theories are not only subject to numerous counterexamples, they also fail to explain why classification matters to our understanding and evaluation of works of fiction as well as non-fiction. I propose instead that we construe fiction and non-fiction as genres: categories whose membership is determined by a cluster of nonessential criteria, and which play a role in the appreciation of particular works. I (...)
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  16. Imagining Fact and Fiction.Stacie Friend - 2008 - In Kathleen Stock & Katherine Thomson-Jones (eds.), New waves in aesthetics. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 150-169.
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    What constitutes core disciplinary knowledge?Sally Thorne - 2014 - Nursing Inquiry 21 (1):1-2.
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  18. Fiction and emotion.Stacie Friend - 2016 - In Amy Kind (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Imagination. New York: Routledge. pp. 217-229.
    Engagement with fiction often inspires emotional responses. We may pity Sethe while feeling ambivalent about her actions (in Beloved), fear for Ellen Ripley as she battles monstrous creatures (in Alien), get angry at Okonkwo for killing Ikemefuna (in Things Fall Apart), and hope that Kiyoaki and Satoko find love (in Spring Snow). Familiar as they are, these reactions are puzzling. Why do I respond emotionally if I do not believe that these individuals exist or that the events occurred? If I (...)
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    Testing galaxy formation and dark matter with low surface brightness galaxies.Stacy S. McGaugh - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 88 (C):220-236.
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  20. This heaven gives me migraines”: The problems and promise of landscapes of leisure.Stacy Warren - 1993 - In S. James & David Ley (eds.), Place/culture/representation. London ; New York: Routledge. pp. 173--86.
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    Three Pathways to Nonuse Agreement(s) on Solar Geoengineering.Stacy D. VanDeveer, Frank Biermann, Rakhyun E. Kim, Carol Bardi & Aarti Gupta - 2024 - Ethics and International Affairs 38 (3):275-286.
    Recent years have seen increasing calls by a few scientists, largely from the Global North, to explore “solar geoengineering,” a set of speculative technologies that would reflect parts of incoming sunlight back into space and, if deployed at planetary scale, have an average cooling effect. Numerous concerns about the development of such speculative technologies include the many ecological risks and uncertainties as well as unresolved questions of global governance and global justice. This essay starts with the premise that solar geoengineering (...)
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  22. Believing in Stories.Stacie Friend - 2014 - In Greg Currie, Matthew Kieran, Aaron Meskin & Jon Robson (eds.), Aesthetics and the Sciences of Mind. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 227-248.
    Book synopsis: The most debated issue in aesthetics today Written by an international team of leading experts Addresses growing methodological concerns in the field Includes an extensive introduction which illuminates key issues Through much of the twentieth century, philosophical thinking about works of art, design, and other aesthetic products has emphasized intuitive and reflective methods, often tied to the idea that philosophy's business is primarily to analyze concepts. This 'philosophy from the armchair' approach contrasts with methods used by psychologists, sociologists, (...)
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    Body Language in Forensic Semiotic Analysis.Stacy Costa - 2012 - Semiotics:201-209.
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    Solidarity and alignment in nurse practitioner–patient interactions.Staci Defibaugh - 2014 - Discourse and Communication 8 (3):260-277.
    This article focuses on how solidarity is negotiated in interactions during medical visits between nurse practitioners and patients. Drawing on data from ethnographic field notes, audio-recorded interactions and interviews involving one NP and 20 patients, the article outlines ways in which the NP creates a sense of solidarity by lessening the social distance between herself and her patients. These attempts at solidarity do not correlate with what has been noted in previous studies of medical visits involving medical doctors and may (...)
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    Contesting the Cartography of Sovereignty: Rifkin's Erotics of Sovereignty.Stacy Douglas - forthcoming - Theory and Event 15 (3).
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    Zur Aktualität von Michel de Certeau: Einführung in Sein Werk.Marian Füssel - 2017 - Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    Michel de Certeau war Zeit seines Lebens ein Grenzgänger zwischen den wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen: Von der Theologie über die Historische Anthropologie bis zur Psychoanalyse durchstreifte er verschiedenste Felder der Wissenschaften vom Anderen. Figuren der Alterität können als einigendes Band von de Certeaus Studien begriffen werden, die er anhand der frühneuzeitlichen Mystik ebenso entwickelte wie anhand der Geschichtstheorie oder der Kulturgeschichte der Stadt und des Konsums.
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    Visual copresence and conversational coordination.Susan R. Fussell & Robert E. Kraut - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (2):196-197.
    Pickering & Garrod's (P&G's) theory of dialogue production cannot completely explain recent data showing that when interactants in referential communication tasks have different views of a physical space, they accommodate their language to their partner's view rather than mimicking their partner's expressions. Instead, these data are consistent with the hypothesis that interactants are taking the perspective of their conversational partners.
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    Visual cues as evidence of others' minds in collaborative physical tasks.Susan R. Fussell, Robert E. Kraut, Darren Gergle & Leslie D. Setlock - 2005 - In Bertram F. Malle & Sara D. Hodges (eds.), Other Minds: How Humans Bridge the Gap Between Self and Others. Guilford.
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  29. The politics of traumatic temporality. Review of time, death, and the feminine: Levinas with Heidegger by Tina Chanter.Stacy Keltner - 2003 - Research in Phenomenology 33 (1):306-315.
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    Exploring that which lies beyond nursing's historic humanist preoccupation.Sally Thorne - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (1):e12623.
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    Precepts for perfection.Sabina Thorne - 1961 - Hollywood, Calif.,: Vedanta Press.
  32. The Structure of Philo's Commentary on the Pentateuch.Gwa Thorne - 1989 - Dionysius 13:17-50.
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    PhD without the Ph?Sally Thorne - 2016 - Nursing Inquiry 23 (4):281-282.
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  34. The great beetle debate: A study in imagining with names.Stacie Friend - 2011 - Philosophical Studies 153 (2):183-211.
    Statements about fictional characters, such as “Gregor Samsa has been changed into a beetle,” pose the problem of how we can say something true (or false) using empty names. I propose an original solution to this problem that construes such utterances as reports of the “prescriptions to imagine” generated by works of fiction. In particular, I argue that we should construe these utterances as specifying, not what we are supposed to imagine—the propositional object of the imagining—but how we are supposed (...)
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  35. The pleasures of documentary tragedy.Stacie Friend - 2007 - British Journal of Aesthetics 47 (2):184-198.
    Two assumptions are common in discussions of the paradox of tragedy: (1) that tragic pleasure requires that the work be fictional or, if non-fiction, then non-transparently represented; and (2) that tragic pleasure may be provoked by a wide variety of art forms. In opposition to (1) I argue that certain documentaries could produce tragic pleasure. This is not to say that any sad or painful documentary could do so. In considering which documentaries might be plausible candidates, I further argue, against (...)
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    Concept Appraisal.Sapphira R. Thorne, Jake Quilty-Dunn, Joulia Smortchkova, Nicholas Shea & James A. Hampton - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (5):e12978.
    This paper reports the first empirical investigation of the hypothesis that epistemic appraisals form part of the structure of concepts. To date, studies of concepts have focused on the way concepts encode properties of objects and the way those features are used in categorization and in other cognitive tasks. Philosophical considerations show the importance of also considering how a thinker assesses the epistemic value of beliefs and other cognitive resources and, in particular, concepts. We demonstrate that there are multiple, reliably (...)
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  37. Fiction and Emotion: The Puzzle of Divergent Norms.Stacie Friend - 2020 - British Journal of Aesthetics 60 (4):403-418.
    A familiar question in the literature on emotional responses to fiction, originally put forward by Colin Radford, is how such responses can be rational. How can we make sense of pitying Anna Karenina when we know there is no such person? In this paper I argue that contrary to the usual interpretation, the question of rationality has nothing to do with the Paradox of Fiction. Instead, the real problem is why there is a divergence in our normative assessments of emotions (...)
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    Does nursing represent a unique angle of vision? If so, what is it?Sally Thorne - 2015 - Nursing Inquiry 22 (4):283-284.
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    Modern Philosophers and Lectures on Bergson.Alma Rosa Thorne - 1915 - Philosophical Review 24 (6):670.
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    Shared Health Governance: The Potential Danger of Oppressive “Healthism”.Stacy M. Carter, Vikki Ann Entwistle, Kirsten McCaffery & Lucie Rychetnik - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (7):57 - 59.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 11, Issue 7, Page 57-59, July 2011.
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    A Required GVV Ethics Course.Stacie Chappell, Dave Webb & Mark Edwards - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 8 (1):308-319.
    Business schools around the globe are seeking effective ways of incorporating business ethics into their programs (Melé 2008, Swanson 2004). Indications from both the market and accrediting bodies suggest best-practice programs will include ethics education. However, the debate continues as to whether meaningful learning is best achieved through stand-alone ethics experiences or via an integrated theme across the program of study (Tesfayohannes & Driscoll 2010, Wilhelm 2005). While many examples of required ethics-experiences can be found, to date, there is only (...)
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    “What are my options?”: Physicians as ontological decision architects in surgical informed consent.Stacy S. Chen & Sunit Das - 2022 - Bioethics 36 (9):936-939.
    The aim of a theoretically ideal process of informed consent is to promote the autonomy of the patient and to limit unethical physician paternalism. However, in practice, the nature of the medical profession requires physicians to act as ontological decision architects—based on the medical knowledge that they acquire through their experience and training, physicians ontologically determine a subset of viable courses of action for their patient. What is observed is not an unethical physician limitation or biasing of the patient towards (...)
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    People and their parts: deconstructing the debates in theorizing nursing's clients.Sally E. Thorne - 2001 - Nursing Philosophy 2 (3):259-262.
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    Cyborg and Ecofeminist Interventions: Challenges for an Environmental Feminism.Stacy Alaimo - 1994 - Feminist Studies 20 (1):133.
  45.  24
    Debating diversity: a commentary on Standards of practice in empirical bioethics research.Stacy M. Carter - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):67.
    This article provides a commentary on Standards of practice in empirical bioethics research by Ives and colleagues. There is much to admire in the paper, and in the demanding consensus-building process on which it reports. I discuss the problems and limits of methodological standardisation, and a central conceptual tension that appears to have divided participants. I suggest that the finished product should be understood as a record of a methodological conversation, rather than being used as a disciplinary tool to limit (...)
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  46. Two Problems of Direct Inference.Paul D. Thorn - 2012 - Erkenntnis 76 (3):299-318.
    The article begins by describing two longstanding problems associated with direct inference. One problem concerns the role of uninformative frequency statements in inferring probabilities by direct inference. A second problem concerns the role of frequency statements with gerrymandered reference classes. I show that past approaches to the problem associated with uninformative frequency statements yield the wrong conclusions in some cases. I propose a modification of Kyburg’s approach to the problem that yields the right conclusions. Past theories of direct inference have (...)
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  47. An Encounter between Death and an Abbess: The Mortuary Roll of Elisabeth ‘sConincs, Abbess of Forest.Stacy Boldrick - 2000 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 82 (1):29-48.
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    The socio-cultural embeddedness of individuals' ethical reasoning in organizations (cross-cultural ethics).Linda Thorne & SusanBartholomew Saunders - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 35 (1):1 - 14.
    While models of business ethics increasingly recognize that ethical behavior varies cross-culturally, scant attention has been given to understanding how culture affects the ethical reasoning process that predicates individuals' ethical actions. To address this gap, this paper illustrates how culture may affect the various components of individuals' ethical reasoning by integrating findings from the cross-cultural management literature with cognitive-developmental perspective. Implications for future research and transnational organizations are discussed.
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  49. Fictive Utterance And Imagining II.Stacie Friend - 2011 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 85 (1):163-180.
    The currently standard approach to fiction is to define it in terms of imagination. I have argued elsewhere that no conception of imagining is sufficient to distinguish a response appropriate to fiction as opposed to non-fiction. In her contribution Kathleen Stock seeks to refute this objection by providing a more sophisticated account of the kind of propositional imagining prescribed by so-called ‘fictive utterances’. I argue that although Stock's proposal improves on other theories, it too fails to provide an adequate criterion (...)
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    Translating Maize into Corn: The Transformation of America's Native Grain.Betty Fussell - 1999 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 66.
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